Where Can I Download the Planet V2 Plugin for QGIS?


Planet QGIS Plugin V2 is an open-source plugin that can be installed and added to your QGIS program. In December 2019, Planet released its Planet QGIS Plugin V1, which supported search, streaming and download capabilities for Planet imagery & Basemaps.

In V2, Planet strengthened these features and added new capabilities to help users get the most value from their Planet subscription in QGIS. Updates you can find in V2:

  • Improved metadata display and customization in the Planet Imagery Search Panel
  • New ability to save your search to preserve search filters from the Planet Imagery Search Panel
  • Additional search filters
  • Improved Planet Basemap discovery interface and Basemap download tools
  • Ability to determine contributing source scene in a Planet Basemap
  • Ability to set an AOI for high-res tasking in QGIS
  • And more!

The Planet QGIS Plugin V2 adds a toolbar to your QGIS project with the following panels:

QGIS is a free and open-source GIS desktop application, which anyone can download from the QGIS website.


  • QGIS version 3.6 or greater
  • Python 3.6 or greater
  • Planet subscription or trial for accessing and downloading Planet imagery. Don't have a subscription? Contact our team to learn more

Get started with Planet's developer page on installation and usage.

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