Can I Find or Order an Image Scene I See in Basemap Using QGIS?

Yes, in the Planet QGIS Plugin v2.0, users can use the Planet Inspector panel to:

  • Select a location on a Planet Basemap
  • Identify the source scene
  • Choose "Open in Explorer" to order the scene

Instructions for Finding/Ordering

  1. Open QGIS and login to Planet Explorer plug-in
  2. From the right panel, select the Basemaps tab
  3. Select the desired basemap (cadence, name) and click "Explore Selected"
  4. Once the Basemap is loaded, navigate to your desired area, and click on the Planet Inspector button in the top left corner
  5. In Planet Inspector Panel click on the wand-like toolScreen_Shot_2021-02-02_at_1.53.10_PM.png
  6. Click anywhere on the map to get the corresponding sceneScreen_Shot_2021-02-02_at_1.55.20_PM.png
  7. Click on the gear icon, select Open in Search panel, and select images to order the scene
  8. Click on the Order button to name your order, select assets, choose tools, review, and place your order.


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