Ordering PlanetScope Scenes in ArcGIS

Once you’ve found the PlanetScope item you want to download, you can order that imagery. When you order PlanetScope data, you need to select which product bundle to download.  

These are some of the bundles which you are able to order:

Product Bundle Description

RGB data that has been color-balanced and is ideal for visualization, but not for analytical applications.

Surface Reflectance This is atmospherically corrected data which is recommended for most analytical applications.  It is orthorectified and projected to a cartographic projection.  The bands available depend on the scenes which you are ordering.
Analytic Radiance (TOAR) This is data which has not been atmospherically corrected (Top of Atmosphere Radiance). Radiometric and sensor corrections are applied.  Ideal for users with advanced imagery processing capabilities.
Basic Analytic Radiance (TOAR) This is data which has not been atmospherically corrected (Top of Atmosphere Radiance).  It also has not been orthorectified, geometrically corrected, or projected to a cartographic projection.  Radiometric and sensor corrections are applied.  Ideal for users with advanced imagery processing capabilities.


Note: if your order contains scenes with different spectral bands, you will only see assets for the bands available in all scenes. For example, if your order contains 8-band and 4-band data, you will only see 4-band assets available to order. If you want 8-band data, ensure that you use the spectral bands search filter.

1. Select a scene and press the Order button.

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2. Give your order a name and press Continue.

3. Select the asset that you would like to order. To work with 8-band data, you can select Surface Reflectance - 8 band. This is atmospherically corrected, orthorectified, and georeferenced imagery, which is recommended for most analytic applications.

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4. If you intend to use PlanetScope data from multiple sensor types including the PS2 sensor, you will want to use harmonization. You can add tools such as clipping, composite, or harmonization, where applicable.

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5. Select Order to place your order.
6. Once your order is processed, you can download your order from the Order Status pane.  After downloading the imagery, it can be added directly to your map. When added from the Order Status pane, imagery will be added with the correct band order for true color visualization.

Captura de pantalla 2024-05-18 190046_44.png

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1 comment
  • How long does a Planet order take to process? My 4-band, small AOI package is taking quite a while. Thanks!



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