Using Planet GeoTIFFs in Google Earth Pro on Desktop

In Google Earth Pro on desktop, the users can leverage Planet Analytics and Visual scenes for visualizing data. To overlay the images, drag the GeoTIFF files onto the map window so that Google Earth Pro prompts how to proceed.

  • Create Super Overlay: This will convert the GeoTIFF into smaller KMZ files and a KML file, allowing viewing of the image at full resolution. Ensure to create or select an empty folder to store all the generated files.
  • Scale: This option overlays the whole image but rescales it to fit within the maximum supported size.
  • Crop: A tool that selectively extracts a subset of imagery using boundaries defined by a vector-based geometry object, effectively excluding any imagery outside those boundaries and preserving full-resolution quality.

Once the imagery is on Google Earth Pro, users can drape it over the existing Google Earth terrain model by activating Terrain in the layer panel.

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