The capture list page aims to provide users with all published captures for one organization in a table view. Users can perform their own analysis and reports on a capture level. Read more about Track and Manage Your Captures in our developers page.
Users access from the left-hand side navigation bar on the capture list overview, where they can perform actions like "Add filters", "Save filters", "Export", and "Display columns".
By clicking on any capture item, users land on the captures detail modal, which provides detailed information of the specific capture e.g. Acquired on, Order type, Order ID, etc., and inner links to Order page and Explorer platform.
Definition of table columns
Field |
Value |
Strip id |
Unique ID of the “picture” itself |
Order name |
Customized field for order description |
Contract number |
Unique customer’s contract id i.e PL-XXXX |
Product name |
Product name which belongs to given plNumber |
Created time |
This is the time at which the capture is created |
Acquired time |
This is the time at which the image is captured |
Published to customer |
This is the time at which the image is published to the customer |
Cloud cover |
The cloud coverage assessment of the captures |
Order id |
Unique ID of the order that the capture is part of |
Capture id |
Unique ID of a capture |
Planned acquisition time |
This is the time at which the image is planned to be captured |
Updated time |
This is the time of the last change of the capture |
Fulfilling |
Indicates if the capture is responsible for fulfilling the order |
Ground id |
This id is used to match stereo captures, those with the same ground_id are part of the same stereo composition |
Order status |
The different states of an Order |
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