Planet uses different naming schemes for different types of images. The following will explain how you can interpret the different IDs.
The name of each downloaded PlanetScope image product is composed of the acquisition date (YYYYMMDD), acquisition time (in UTC), satellite ID, product level, product type, and file extension. For example:
20190109_015005_1020_3B_AnalyticMS.tif is composed of 2019-01-09 (acquisition date), 01:50:05 (acquisition time), 1020 (satellite ID), 3B (product level), AnalyticMS (product type), and .tif (file extension).
In cases where two images were captured in the same second, an extra uniquely identifying counter is added after acquisition time to distinguish between the images. For example, 20151027_145652_1_0b0d_3B_Visual.tif
For RapidEye Ortho Tiles, each downloaded image product is composed of tile ID, acquisition date (YYYY-MM-DD), satellite ID, product level, product type, and file extension. For example:
The image, 3241621_2017-03-05_RE4_3A_Visual.tif is composed of 3241621 (tile ID), 2017-03-05(acquisition date), RE4 (satellite ID), 3A (product level), Visual (product type), and .tif (file extension).
Note: The tile ID that is part of the RapidEye file name corresponds to the rapideye.tile_id element in the scene metadata. If you wish to locate the tile ID number spatially, you can download the reference Shapefile here
For RapidEye Basic Scene, each downloaded image product comprises an acquisition date (YYYY-MM-DD), acquisition time (in UTC), satellite ID, product level, product type, and file extension. For example:
The image, 2018-12-03T083453_RE4_1B_band1.tif is composed of 2018-12-03(acquisition date), T08:34:53 (acquisition time), RE4 (satellite ID), 1B (product level), band1 (product type), and .tif (file extension).
The name of each downloaded SkySat image product is composed of the acquisition date (YYYYMMDD), the acquisition time (in UTC), satellite ID, tile ID, product type, and file extension. For example:
The image, 2018-12-03T083453_RE4_1B_band1.tif is composed of 2019-01-15 (acquisition date), 08:31:09 (acquisition time), ssc4dl (satellite ID), 0030 (tile ID), Visual (product type), and .tif (file extension).
The naming scheme for quad IDs within each basemap is available in the basemap as the quad_pattern property. It is generally L{level}-{X}E-{Y}N, where "Level" is the max zoom, while "X" and "Y" are the quad's grid position at that zoom.
A sample quad ID is L15-1023E-2465N, indicating that this mosaic has a maximum zoom level of 15 (or 4.77m per pixel) and the quad is located at position 1023, 2465 on the basemap grid.
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