You can get information from the scene classification layer produced by Sen2Cor, for data where S2A is available. Data can be retrieved by identifier “SCL” (e.g. instead of return [B02]; for blue color one can use return [SCL/10];).
Data can be then used for e.g. validation of the pixel value, e.g. along the lines:
var scl = SCL;
if (scl == 0) { // No Data
return [0, 0, 0]; // black
} else if (scl == 1) { // Saturated / Defective
return [1, 0, 0.016]; // red
} else if (scl == 2) { // Dark Area Pixels
return [0.525, 0.525, 0.525]; // gray
} else if (scl == 3) { // Cloud Shadows
return [0.467, 0.298, 0.043]; // brown
} else if (scl == 4) { // Vegetation
return [0.063, 0.827, 0.176]; // green
} else if (scl == 5) { // Bare Soils
return [1, 1, 0.325]; // yellow
} else if (scl == 6) { // Water
return [0, 0, 1]; // blue
} else if (scl == 7) { // Clouds low probability / Unclassified
return [0.506, 0.506, 0.506]; // medium gray
} else if (scl == 8) { // Clouds medium probability
return [0.753, 0.753, 0.753]; // light gray
} else if (scl == 9) { // Clouds high probability
return [0.949, 0.949, 0.949]; // very light gray
} else if (scl == 10) { // Cirrus
return [0.733, 0.773, 0.925]; // light blue/purple
} else if (scl == 11) { // Snow / Ice
return [0.325, 1, 0.980]; // cyan
} else { // should never happen
return [0,0,0];
Note that it makes sense to use this layer only on full resolution as any interpolation based on classification code list will not produce reasonable results. You should also use the NEAREST upsampling/downsampling setting, which you can find in “Advanced layer editor”.
Also please note that this map does not constitute a land cover classification map in a strict sense, its main purpose is to be used internally in Sen2Cor in the atmospheric correction module to distinguish between cloudy pixels, clear pixels and water pixels.
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