How Can I Define a Custom Legend?

A legend may be defined in the advanced layer editor.

Add the “legend” object in the parent “styles”. A legend is specified as JSON object that must have a property named “type” with value “continuous” or “discrete”, depending on a legend type. A continuous legend also needs properties “minPosition” and “maxPosition” of a floating point type, and an array that contains stop points of a gradient. Each point must have a position of a floating point type and a color in rgb hexadecimal format. A color can also be specified using rgb function that accepts percentage values for rgb triplet, just like in CSS language. A point can optionally have a label. Here is a JSON object example of a continuous legend and the legend itself:

"type": "continuous",
"minPosition": 0.0,
"maxPosition": 1.05,
"gradients": [
{ "position": 0, "color": "rgb(0%,0%,0%)" },
{ "position": 0.05, "color": "rgb(0%,0%,0%)", "label": "- 1.0" },
{ "position": 0.050001, "color": "rgb(75%,75%,75%)" },
{ "position": 0.1, "color": "rgb(75%,75%,75%)" },
{ "position": 0.10001, "color": "rgb(86%,86%,86%)" },
{ "position": 0.15, "color": "rgb(86%,86%,86%)" },
{ "position": 0.150001, "color": "rgb(100%,100%,88%)" },
{ "position": 0.2, "color": "rgb(100%,100%,88%)", "label": "0.0" },
{ "position": 0.20001, "color": "rgb(100%,98%,80%)" },
{ "position": 0.25, "color": "rgb(100%,98%,80%)" },
{ "position": 0.250001, "color": "rgb(93%,91%,71%)" },
{ "position": 0.3, "color": "rgb(93%,91%,71%)" },
{ "position": 0.30001, "color": "rgb(87%,85%,61%)" },
{ "position": 0.35, "color": "rgb(87%,85%,61%)" },
{ "position": 0.350001, "color": "rgb(80%,78%,51%)" },
{ "position": 0.4, "color": "rgb(80%,78%,51%)" },
{ "position": 0.40001, "color": "rgb(74%,72%,42%)" },
{ "position": 0.45, "color": "rgb(74%,72%,42%)" },
{ "position": 0.450001, "color": "rgb(69%,76%,38%)" },
{ "position": 0.5, "color": "rgb(69%,76%,38%)" },
{ "position": 0.50001, "color": "rgb(64%,80%,35%)" },
{ "position": 0.55, "color": "rgb(64%,80%,35%)" },
{ "position": 0.550001, "color": "rgb(57%,75%,32%)" },
{ "position": 0.6, "color": "rgb(57%,75%,32%)", "label": "0.2" },
{ "position": 0.60001, "color": "rgb(50%,70%,28%)" },
{ "position": 0.65, "color": "rgb(50%,70%,28%)" },
{ "position": 0.650001, "color": "rgb(44%,64%,25%)" },
{ "position": 0.7, "color": "rgb(44%,64%,25%)" },
{ "position": 0.70001, "color": "rgb(38%,59%,21%)" },
{ "position": 0.75, "color": "rgb(38%,59%,21%)" },
{ "position": 0.750001, "color": "rgb(31%,54%,18%)" },
{ "position": 0.8, "color": "rgb(31%,54%,18%)" },
{ "position": 0.80001, "color": "rgb(25%,49%,14%)" },
{ "position": 0.85, "color": "rgb(25%,49%,14%)" },
{ "position": 0.850001, "color": "rgb(19%,43%,11%)" },
{ "position": 0.9, "color": "rgb(19%,43%,11%)" },
{ "position": 0.90001, "color": "rgb(13%,38%,7%)" },
{ "position": 0.95, "color": "rgb(13%,38%,7%)" },
{ "position": 0.950001, "color": "rgb(6%,33%,4%)" },
{ "position": 0.990001, "color": "rgb(6%,33%,4%)" },
{ "position": 1.0, "color": "rgb(0%,27%,0%)", "label": "0.6" },
{ "position": 1.05, "color": "rgb(0%,27%,0%)" }



A discrete legend must have an array of objects that have a color and label. Here is a JSON object example of a discrete legend and the legend itself:

"label":"No Data (Missing data)"
"label":"Saturated or defective pixel"
"label":"Dark features / Shadows "
"label":"Cloud shadows"
"label":"Cloud medium probability"
"label":"Cloud high probability"
"label":"Thin cirrus"
"label":"Snow or ice"

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