How Can I Create a Custom Evaluation of Digital Elevation Model (Dem)?

To avoid problems of negative values in GeoTiff format, we have integrated DEM in a way that:

  • elevation above the sea level is stored as it is (e.g. 0-8.848 meters)
  • elevation below sea level is stored from 65535 downward (e.g. “-10 meters” is stored as 65525)

To implement your own visualization, you can write a script along the following ways, e.g. “terrain if sea level rises for 2 meters”:

if (DEM >= 32768) {  
elevation = DEM - 65535.0;
else {
elevation = DEM;
if (elevation > 2.0) {
return [0,0,1];
else {
return [elevation/1000,elevation/1000,elevation/1000];
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