Samuel Jividen
Does downloading the UDM2 files count against the download quota?
Answer No, if you use the Data API, there is no quota deduction when downloading UDM2 files. For more information on the Data API, please refer to this link.
Where Can I Find information on TOAR (Top of Atmosphere Radiance)?
You can access Top of Atmospheric Radiance (TOAR) corrected assets for both PlanetScope and SkySat products. For detailed information on this, please visit this link in our Developer Center. You'll...
What Basemaps are available in Planet's Google Earth Engine & NICFI integration?
Question Which NICFI Basemaps are available in GEE & how are they organized? Answer "PlanetScope Tropical Normalized Analytic Biannual" & "PlanetScope Tropical Normalized Analytic Monthly series Ba...
Can I order the "basic asset" type for a SkySatCollect?
Basic bundles (basic_analytic or basic_panchromatic_dn) are not available for the SkySatCollect product, as the product is sensor and geometrically corrected and is projected to a cartographic map...
Availability of UDM2
Usable Data Masks (UDM2) are available for 4-band PlanetScope imagery back to August 2018 globally, and specific agricultural regions back to January 2018. A small percentage of PlanetScope 4-band ...
How to Create Saved Searches
Saved Searches are a helpful choice for handling searches that you use repeatedly. Saved Searches can be easily retrieved and executed for repeated use with optional daily email notifications for n...
Disabling Saved Search Notifications in Planet Explorer
To stop receiving "We've added new items to your saved search" notifications, follow these steps: Log in to Planet Explorer. Click on "Access your saved searches." Select the search for which you ...
How to Fix QGIS 'Enter Credentials' Wizard/"Master Authentication Pop-up" When Using Planet Plugin
If an "Enter Credentials" or "Master Authentication" pop-up appears when trying to log in to Planet Plugin, follow these instructions for creating a new profile or granting permission. New Profile...
Can I Find or Order an Image Scene I See in Basemap Using QGIS?
Yes, in the Planet QGIS Plugin v2.0, users can use the Planet Inspector panel to: Select a location on a Planet Basemap Identify the source scene Choose "Open in Explorer" to order the scene Inst...