OrthoRectifying All Frames SkySat product


What is the most effective technique for Orthorectifying the "All Frames" SkySat imagery product? Also is there any background information for the "All-Frames" asset?


The All-Frames asset includes all of the originally captured frames in a SkySat collect (SkySats capture up to 50 frames per second per collect), uncalibrated and in a raw digital number format. They are delivered with basic L1A panchromatic DN imagery files, along with RPC txt files, and a JSON pinhole camera model.

Since the all-frames asset is delivered with RPC’s, that indicates that any normal approach to Orthorectification with RPC’s should be reasonable.

For example, "gdalwarp" (https://gdal.org/tutorials/warp_tut.html). The all-frames RPC’s are just based on satellite pointing, meaning that they are more prone to misplacement issues.


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