Why Does Planet Surface Reflectance Product Use 6s Atmospheric Radiative Transfer Model?

While there are various atmospheric radiative transfer models out there (see here), Planet uses the 6S radiative transfer model due to several reasons:

  • It integrates with the Planet platform easily.
  • It is one of the more widely used radiative transfer codes.
  • It corrects atmospheric interference on Landsat-8 imagery, a model specifically designed for satellite applications.
  • Due to its popularity, many scientific papers confirm the accuracy and suitability of this method for producing surface reflectance products of planets, considering its extensive use.
  • It is easily accessible and free from any licensing problems.
  • A source code is available and easily compiled, opening the possibility of customizations if needed.
  • Generating configuration files for 6S and reading output files can be made easier with the existence of Py6S, a Python library.


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