How Can I Apply for ESA Sponsored Accounts and Commercial Data Packages for Pre-Commercial Research and Educational Purposes?

ESA provides sponsored accounts and commercial data packages available for pre-commercial exploitation, research and educational purposes. Check out the Network of Resources (NoR) Portal for additional information.

To apply for sponsorship follow these steps:

Select the Service

  1. Go to the NoR Discovery Portfolio

  2. Under Service Filters on the left, expand Service Type and select DPaaS to limit your results.

  3. Scroll down and search for Sinergise Solutions - EDC (you can find it quickly by pressing CTRL-F on your keyboard and writing Sinergise into the dialog box).

  4. In the Sinergise Solutions - EDC result, click the Pricing Wizard button on the right.

Pricing Wizard


  1. Project Type: Choose a type of your project from the Project Type drop-down menu.
    Note: commercial projects are not eligible for sponsorship.

  2. DPaaS, AH and IDE offerings: Select the subscription you need. Note that a Basic Subscription is suitable for most use cases, but if you'd like to do batch processing, an Enterprise account is required. Enter how many subscriptions you need, and for how long (as highlighted in blue on the image below).

    Note: ESA sponsorship is limited to 5000 EUR. The subscription type, amount (units) and duration all influence the cost. You can see the cost of the chosen subscription on the right, as is highlighted in red on the image above.

    Next, scroll down to Commercial and On demand data and add additional processing units, if you need them. In commercial data, you will select the constellation and the amount of km2 for your project. Note that constellations are priced differently and the area size will impact the cost as well. If you want to ask for commercial data, selecting a subscription is required.

    Make sure to combine your requested subscriptions and data so it doesn't surpass the 5000 EUR limit. You can see the final cost on the bottom of your Sponsored Resource List. If you surpass the limit, the application will warn you and you won't be able to complete the request. In that case you can either revisit the selected or choose to co-fund it.

    When you are finished with your selections, confirm it by clicking on the "Ask ESA for Sponsorship" button.

  3. Provide the information if your project is related to ESA and if you plan to fund part of the chosen offernings by selecting from the drop-down menus. When done, click the "Ask ESA for Sponsorship" button.

Sponsoring Form


  1. Project Details: Enter the project name/title, the name of project coordinator and project coordinator work category, official email address, and the name, address, country and web page of the organization the project belongs to.

  2. Project objectives: describe your project - what it's about, what are the expected results and benefits, who will benefit from them and in what form and at what conditions the results be available.

  3. Implementation Methodology: Describe the implementation methodology, and if you requested commercial data, justify the selected source and amount of km2. In the case that more than one user licence is requested please provide a justification.

  4. Results: Describe what results will be generated from this project and in what specific format. In case of Research and Education projects, specify if the results will be made available to the public.

  5. Justification for selected service(s) and provider: Describe why chose this service(s) and provider over the others.

  6. Description of work within the cloud environment: Describe briefly the work that will be done within the cloud environment.

  7. Geographical Area of Interest of the project: If you request access to EO mission data please list the geographical area of interest including region/country / countries.

  8. Have you ever applied to NoR for a sponsorship for this project in the past? Specify if this is the first time you have applied to NoR for sponsorship for this project. If you applied already before, enter the previous assigned NoR Sponsoring Request ID.

  9. ESA Project: If you indicated in the Pricing Wizard that your project is related to ESA, you will have to fill in the ESA related options (Technical Officer and Contract Number) here (as visible on the image below). You will also need to enter the ESA Section Identifier and Contract Title. If your project is not marked as related to ESA, you won't see these options. You can change the first indication by clicking "Back" on the top of the page and return to the Pricing Wizard.

  10. Sponsored Resource List: Here you can see the summary of your chosen resources.

  11. Slides with results: Within two months of the end of the Sponsorship period, you commit to provide by email a set of slides highlighting the project achievements to From the drop-down menu select the expected date of submission of the set of slides.

  12. Export Sponsoring Request: When done, click on the Export Sponsoring Request button to export it in PDF, sign it and email it to ESA at If your project is related to ESA, you will need to ask the technical officer to sign the document as well.

That's it! ESA will evaluate your request and let you know if it's granted.

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